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Support those working for us, and stop funding those who use your money to legislate AND vote against you!
Are you supporting the problem?
Background image: Jan 2017 Women's March, Washington, DC. Copyright: TM Cronin Jan 2017.
No, it was not a game, we still are not FA, as the bad grades guy is in the FO phase! Vote as if your life depends upon your vote, because it does.
View latest events, and past events to continue to support the organizers, working on your behalf, for a better world for all.
Thanks to NDRC, Louisiana just elected two black members of Congress, a victory towards equal representation.
Read this Jo-Ellan: NOT WELCOME, you Jim Crow benefactor witch! "Funny" how Jo-Ellan prides herself on reading people, but cannot see the faces of shock from people after she works tirelessly to free vigilante murderers of unarmed and innocent persons (lynchers).
💵 Feeling helpless while surrounded by over 66-million allies, including global allies, who want the same as you? Here is something you can immediately do: stop funding a major source of the problem. Talk with your money, the same money that should not lead to funding the bad grades guy.
Sign Latest #PETITION — Your voice matters!
Consumer Alert: ⚠ Buy ANYTHING But Tesla! AVOID Elon Musk.
Confidence is what you start off with before you completely understand the situation.
— Author Unknown
Anti-Racism Initiatives (#ARI)
The long-term goal, which is doable, given resources right at our fingertips: Anti-Racists' Economic Plan