

Support those working for us, and stop funding those who use your money to legislate AND vote against you!


#crime   #badgradestrump #election2024 #project2025fascism #insurrectionists #publicsafety #gunsafetynow #racism #taxcutsandjobsact #fuckputin🇺🇦 #fdt #military

Background image: Jan 2017 Women's March, Washington, DC. Copyright: TM Cronin Jan 2017.
No, it was not a game, we still are not FA, as the bad grades guy is in the FO phase! Vote as if your life depends upon your vote, because it does.


Global Citizens Festival info:

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ourwhirl.com® was created by consumers who VOTE. Our WHIRL is a free-to-use, non-profit site, created to provide information about who works progressively on behalf of consumers (voters) , instead of against and/or exploiting consumers .

Corporations and wealthy individuals can "buy" SCOTUS justices, Congress and Senate representatives, and local leaders, to enact legislation against consumers — "vanity" buildings vs. affordable housing and infrastructure, whom consumers can love, what books allowed to read, whom to hate on behalf of white supremacy (white christian identity), ironically while everyone's infrastructure is defunded by #TaxCutsAndJobsAct . More important, why do progressive consumers continue to fund this process a/k/a "the problem"?

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