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AVOID: White supremacists Andrew Torba (GAB) AND Doug Mastriano

Jul 26, 2022 8:07pm EST/NYC  Updated: Nov 4, 2024
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GAB Andrew Torba and Doug Mastriano

Set your calendars back to anytime between 1700 and 1970 with #TPCM Andrew Torba and Doug Mastriano.

Families of Andrew Torba and Doug Mastriano migrated to the United States during Jim Crow (whites only) for "whites only" policies. During their each of their family's arrival, non-whites, persons of Jewish faith, and women were denied civil rights, including the right to speak, or be alive, while either could be killed at will, without any laws to protect either.

Torba and Mastriano are now upset that "whites only with fake-christian identity" didn't remain the law of "their" stolen land. Torba and Mastriano intend to make Pennsylvania a whites-only, fake-christian identity state. Has anyone told either that Christ was born in Palestine, born to Middle Eastern parents? Or do Torba and Mastriano believe that Christ was a white nationalist European, born in the Middle East, who preached the same ignorance of Torba and Mastriano?

Words of Christ about poor and migrants
Words of Christ ignored daily by persons pretending to be Christians and "patriots of God."

White supremacist @marjworld, who believes that they are a christian, doing the "the lord's work."
Fake Christians like @marjworld always forget the actual words of Christ, both the man-made AND the Aramaic words

Now, Torba is promoting Pennsylvania's GOP gubernatorial candidate Mastriano, via Gab, a social media site, which harbors white nationalists, neo-nazis, neo-confederates, and your redundant inferior intellect Jim Crow benefactors and domestic terrorists. Each new Gab member auto follows Doug Mastriano, to promote Mastriano's white nationalism.

Let's take a look at Andrew Torba's words and actions, and how dangerous both Torba and Mastriano's extremism is.

Who Is Gab Founder Andrew Torba?

He says he wants to facilitate free speech online. But he created a hate haven for the likes of Robert Bowers," the Pittsburgh-area Tree of Life synagogue shooter in Squirrel Hill.

Torba moved to California in late 2014, when his startup was picked for the Y Combinator, a Silicon Valley incubator.

See, what had happened was: after California eliminated Affirmative Action, because its state did not know hate, Torba flocked with other white nationalists to California. But he realized that he also needed qualifications and respect from workers, so he felt out of place, as a flaming hatriot, who expected all, including white women, to be handed to him, regardless of how horrific and apathetic he was to other people and social causes. Californians do not like white supremacists! Period.

Torba, a Trump supporter and self-described "conservative Republican Christian," has maintained that Gab's mission is to facilitate free speech online and that supporters of all ideologies are welcome. Nonetheless, Gab immediately attracted users from the far right, including a number of well-known alt-right, extremist, and fringe figures, such as Richard Spencer, Milo Yiannopoulos and Alex Jones, who were losing their mainstream social media platforms around the time Torba launched Gab.

Torba, a Trump supporter and self-described "conservative Republican Christian," has maintained that Gab’s mission is to facilitate free speech online and that supporters of all ideologies are welcome. Nonetheless, Gab immediately attracted users from the far right, including a number of well-known alt-right, extremist, and fringe figures, such as Richard Spencer, Milo Yiannopoulos and Alex Jones, who were losing their mainstream social media platforms around the time Torba launched Gab.

More on Andrew Torba and his inferior intellect, dangerous words and actions.

Torba and Mastriano's "white fake-Christian identity" and "no Jews allowed" views have become GOP's standard #Election2022 messaging. Per Torba, all should be forced to live in a white identity, fake-christian society, under laws to be established by Torba via Mastriano. Torba believes that their white identity beliefs, as laws of the land (or state of Pennsylvania), will be a "beautiful thing." Pretty sick and twisted, mentally ill psychopaths.

  1. "Well, across Europe for thousands of years, across America for, you know, the first 200 years or so of our founding of this nation, which is the fruit of exceptionalism and of freedom and of liberty and of wealth. That is what happens when you have biblical, wise, Christian, biblical leadership that is running the country. It benefits everybody, OK? This is just the reality of the situation. So me loving my neighbor is wanting my neighbor to be ruled by Christians — biblical, wise Christians."
    Andrew Torba /

    Slavery was the law of the land in 1776, while our site's founder's FREE pre-slavery BLACK and NATIVE family's rights and lands were stripped. But Torba believes this nation's history from 1776 to 1965 (or late 1980s - last klan hanging) are the only years that matter, the years when his tiny "member" felt "powerful" because he could force himself upon others in any way possible, you know for his white supremacy, Christian version of wealth and comfort.

  2. Mastriano's core support is a fusion of QAnon, the far-right Patriot movement and the revivalist New Apostolic Reformation - which views him as a military and political leader in advancing the biblically prophesied end times. We see this in his role in the Jericho March during the run-up to Jan. 6, and more recently when he joined members of the "Shofar Army" in a ceremony of "spiritual warfare" on the Gettysburg battlefield, and as the headliner at a conference, Patriots Arise.
  3. Mastriano has done a praise-filled interview with Torba, who recently reposted claims that Jews are "subversive" and in control of the government, media, and financial institutions and blamed them for killing Jesus Christ. He also reposted a conspiracy theory blaming Jews for "white genocide," praised Gab for offering "differing opinions" on the Holocaust, and singled out Jewish conservatives as unwelcome in the far-right movement. Mastriano's links to Torba were even condemned by the Republican Jewish Coalition, which has a questionable track record on excusing antisemitism elsewhere in the right-wing movement.

Racism and white supremacy are severe forms of mental illness. Both are curable with education and/or mental health counseling. However, Torba and Mastriano oppose accurate teaching of history, as well as healthcare.

Torba and Mastriano's white supremacy diseased-mentality should not be normalized, nor become the standard. Our nation has also fought against Torba and Mastriano's dangerous and defective beliefs during World War II. Hitler spewed the same views as Torba and Mastriano. Mastriano, as a former military member, should also know World War II's history, especially the fight against Hitler. However, Mastriano joined our military to fight against our nation.

Torba and Mastriano's beliefs are not new. Their words are simply recycled from white council of conservative citizens (same as Family Research Council and #badgradestrump's appointee, Tony Perkins), David Duke, Don Black and Ron Paul, and Gerald L.K. Smith (white nationalist America First Party 1943 -

Bad grades trump appointee, council of conservative citizens' white supremacist Tony Perkins
One of the first appointees of the bad grades guy, white supremacist Tony Perkins, who promoted David Duke.

Bad grades trump appointee, council of conservative citizens' white supremacist Tony Perkins
Here is Perkins speaking before an extension of the ku klux klan, council of conservative citizens — yes, both in all lowercase letters for many reasons.

Bad grades trump appointee, white supremacist Tony Perkins, promoting David Duke
Tony Perkins promoting kkk member, David Duke.

Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it. Torba has to learn from experience, and needs to experience the same outcome as Hitler, Smith and Perkins - removed from public, and world, policy.

Torba is also entitled to his free speech. However, Torba needs to understand on whose land he's standing on and around. Torba should also refresh himself with the US Constitution, which doesn't state that others should conform to his or Mastriano's beliefs, BUT that others are entitled to live as they please, without harm to others, or invading the lives of others, especially via legislation. Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, not white fake-christian identity for all.

What is "funny," white supremacists lynched Italians, proudly, publicly and openly, during slavery and Jim Crow. Jim Crow benefactors Torba and Mastriano want to return to those days again. 😐 🤦 | ♂

What is even more appalling, Torba, through Gab, is using technology we helped to create, to further stall and regress our nation. Not in our world, nor on Our WHIRL!

Racism is a form of mental illness, which makes GOP the poster child for the mentally and criminally insane, #J6 and all!


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