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AVOID: Jo-Ellan Dimitrius and Dimitrius & Associates

Dec 9, 2024 2:25pm EST/NYC
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Jo-Ellan, the 6th Amendment champion for murderers of unarmed and non-threatening persons.

Jo-Ellan Dimitrius, the 6th Amendment champion for murderers of unarmed and non-threatening persons.

First, rest in eternal peace, Mr. Jordan Neely. 🕯 💔

Mr. Jordan Neely
The Life of Mr. Jordan Neely Mattered.

We know that if the races were reversed, Jordan would still be alive, and helped, while Penny would have minded his own business, while also being targeted by white supremacist Jim Crow benefactors. Or Penny would still be in prison, awaiting trial.

Jo-Ellan — okay, not typing Jo-Ellan every time, just gonna call her "Neely's 6th Amendment violator" — prides herself on being a "reader of people." Where was this reading during her or Daniel Penny's Jim Crow benefactor upbringing? Or more important, where was this "reading" capability for Jordan Neely's life?

The city failed Jordan Neely, especially after testifying as a teen on behalf of his murdered-while-innocent mother. Jordan's well-being should have been top priority, same as the priority for the well-being of Ethan Anthony Couch after he murdered four innocent persons, or as the well-being of wealthy rapist Christopher Belter.

#TaxCutsAndJobsAct also drained funding needed for resources for Jordan. Then, along came a white supremacist predator, Daniel Penny, who failed Neely to death, literally.

Melanated Neely was raised with trauma. Melanation automatically comes with trauma when out in public. Melanin is always perceived as a threat by Jim Crow benefactors — persons whose family migrated to U.S. during Jim Crow, for Jim Crow/whites-only. While Neely was a teen, his own mother was murdered, then stuffed into a suitcase and tossed along a highway as if she was garbage. No one was even looking for Jordan's mother, nor did Neely's 6th Amendment violators care. Jordan's mother's face was not on national news outlets 24/7 as Natalee Holloway was. Jordan was traumatized, but was expected to conform and bend to persons like Daniel Penny, who had every single privilege and opportunity afforded to him, including a defense fund from white supremacists, to ensure that Penny's life was uninterrupted traumatically.

Neely's mother, Christie Neely, was murdered on April 7, 2007. Her body was found in a suitcase on the side of the Henry Hudson Parkway. As recounted in a February 2022 report in the Jersey Journal, "details of the murder shocked Bayonne and Hudson County at the time."

Based in part on testimony from the then-18-year-old Jordan Neely, Shawn Southerland — his mom's boyfriend with whom the Neelys shared a house — was convicted, as described in the Journal…

Penny was raised with the following white supremacist beliefs and white privilege entitlement: black people are not humans, while people like Penny built our nation, and only people like Penny. Penny then believed he was a "god" or "the law," and only persons like Penny matter, and should be given priority treatment at all times.

Penny is now celebrating his murdering a disabled man, a lynching, legalized. What a POS Neely is, and will always be.

Neely's 6th Amendment violator decided that Daniel Penny needed to be treated fairly after Penny murdered a mentally disabled man. She could have declined her service, had she had any empathy for or understanding of Jordan Neely's life or that choking an unarmed person continuously causes death. Jordan Neely was not dying with alleged drugs in his system. Clearly, Jordan was able to speak and walk, prior to Daniel Penny choking Mr. Neely to death, AFTER sneak-attacking him from behind. We wish someone had kicked Penny in his head as he was choking Mr. Neely, and kicked him each time he was asked to release Mr. Neely while he was alive, and kicked him hard enough so that Penny would have permanent scars to remind him that he is not judge, juror nor executioner.

So here's the deal: show Jo-Ellan as much "empathy" as Daniel Penny showed towards Jordan Neely, which was NONE, each time someone asked Penny to stop choking Jordan Neely. Pretend you don't hear her, pretend she does not exist, pretend she's not human, what Daniel Penny thought of Jordan, before, during and after Mr. Neely's death. Penny's heartless and prideful words after murdering Mr. Neely: "I took him out," "I put him out." Penny also lumped Mr. Neely in with other subway crimes, which is premeditated bias AND racism.

From OJ Simpson to Kyle Rittenhouse, a jury consultant binds the two

There is a common thread between the 1995 acquittal of O.J. Simpson and the 2021 acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse – a jury and trial consultant named Jo-Ellan Dimitrius.

She developed the jury profile in Simpson's case and now, decades later, worked “hand in hand” with Rittenhouse's attorneys to help build a profile for the “right” juror in his case.

Jordan Neely's family rallies in opposition of notorious jury consultant for deadly chokehold trial

NEW YORK (WABC) -- As jury selection continues in the Daniel Penny trial, Jordan Neely's family is pushing back against the hiring of a well-known jury consultant.

Neely's family rallied alongside members of Black Lives Matter New York on Tuesday against Jo-Ellan Dimitrius, who is working with Penny's defense team to help pick the jury that will decide if he is guilty of manslaughter.

Daniel Penny now joins Kyle Rittenhouse, George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, and other kkk lynchers.

And we are going to tell everyone that these are Daniel Penny's parents and aunt and uncle.

We are gonna tell everyone that these are Daniel Penny's parents and aunt and uncle, the ones who taught him to kill disabled and black persons, then turn around and call himself a hero.
Roy and Carolyn Bryant (r), JW Milam and his white supremacist skank - the role models for Daniel Penny who is now forever on the wrong side of history. Penny will always be the murderer of a disabled melanated man, who posed ZERO threat to Penny, including while being told to release Neely from a deadly chokehold.

The 6th Amendment is officially dead. If white with white supremacist money backers, or wealthy, you can kill anyone as "judge, juror and executioner," especially if the jurors are hand-picked by Jo-Ellan Dimitrius, a Jim Crow benefactor white supremacist migrant.

And I blame every person on the subway train with Jordan Neely who did NOT start punching or kicking Penny in the head OR put restraints around his neck collectively to get Penny to stop choking Jordan Neely to death. Then, Penny would have understood "threat" or being choked to death. ALL. OF. THEM, all persons on the train stood around and watched Neely die. All are just as guilty as Penny.

And where oh where are the protectors like abolitionist John Brown, or Jena 6, to stand up to a creep like Penny or Dimitrius wherever either goes? New York state has also become infected with hatriots, especially in John Brown's region, now represented by trashy hatriot Elise Stefanik. Long Island is now a nest-haven for white supremacy. Even Hitler's family relocated comfortably without challenge to Long Island. Are justice defenders only in prison or dead? Or, are we just not as savage as Penny — to keep choking someone even after countless persons have told him to let go of traumatized, homeless and mentally ill Neely?

It is time to stop placating hatriots.

They have continually shown us who they are, and that they are beyond reasoning with. We outnumber hatriots, as shown by recent POTUS election — VP Kamala Harris received more popular votes. We have our own resources through all lifestyles and nationalities that do not know the apathy, bigotry and violence of Daniel Penny. Our resources include ethical civil rights lawyers and judges, credible public advocates, philanthropists, educators, business owners, engineers, doctors, nurses, and so much more. What do we need hatriots for? We see the only thing that they are capable of: murder and exploiting laws that will never be allowed equally nor for anyone pro-empathetic or pro-civil rights, while also living off blue states!

As Civil War Union General William Tecumseh Sherman stated: confederates (hatriots/Jim Crow benefactors) cannot do anything, except create war and problems. Confederates could not even pick cotton intelligently, so confederates exploited human beings — violently, and savagely via rape, torture, maiming. A Northerner invented the cotton gin, which created more humane jobs, while highlighting that confederates were simply unneeded and ignorant barbarians.

Eli Whitney is most famous for two innovations which came to have significant impacts on the United States in the mid-19th century: the cotton gin (1793) and his advocacy of interchangeable parts. In the South, the cotton gin revolutionized the way cotton was harvested and reinvigorated slavery. Conversely, in the North the adoption of interchangeable parts revolutionized the manufacturing industry, contributing greatly to the U.S. victory in the Civil War.

Confederates (hatriots) could not even make a shoe. A black man did!

FACTS: Black persons in U.S. prior to slavery owned their own homes, businesses, land, and had equal rights in court. This is®'s founder's history. Black persons since 1699-UK slavery designed and built roads, bridges, homes, railroads and monuments, including the White House, leading to more innovation for all. And black persons since 1699-UK slavery accomplished amazing things all while being exploited and dehumanized. Neely's 6th Amendment violator and Penny make a living off dehumanizing victims of trauma. This is the same mentality as colonizers; confederates and neo-confederates; nazis and neo-nazis; and kkk their spin-off, Jim Crow benefactor migrants, all of whom were taught to stand around and judge others as if they are the moral standard, give orders, and hate or kill the non-threatening persons that bigoted orders are directed to.

Let's BUILD OUR OWN, and see who needs whom. We don't need Neely's 6th Amendment violator nor Penny for anything. Make them both feel as unwelcome as both made Mr. Neely feel on his own land, in the city Mr. Neely was raised in.

Daniel Penny can also take his celebration of murdering a disabled young man and shove it!

AVOID any programming which features Mr. Neely's 6th Amendment violator, as well as avoid Dimitrius & Associates! Nothing either can say is worthwhile, nor would matter to any decent person!

The Unarmed Victims of Jo Ellan Dimitrius

Ms. Nicole Brown Simpson, another unarmed victim of Jo Ellan Dimitrius Mr. Ronald Lyle Goldman, another unarmed victim of Jo Ellan Dimitrius Mr. Anthony Huber, another unarmed victim of Jo Ellan Dimitrius Mr. Joseph Rosenbaum, another unarmed victim of Jo Ellan Dimitrius Mr. Gaige Grosskreutz, another unarmed victim of Jo Ellan Dimitrius Mr. Jordan Neely, another unarmed victim of Jo Ellan Dimitrius


#6thamendment   #14thamendment   #crime   #hatriots   #jimcrowbenefactors   #JordanNeely   #JusticeForJordan   #whowelost   anthony huber   becky gone wild   courts   crime   daniel penny   gaige grosskreutz   homicide   injustice   jim crow benefactors   jordan neely   joseph rosenbaum   judge juror executioner   kyle rittenhouse   lynchings   nicole brown simpson   racism   ronald lyle goldman   vigilante   white supremacy  

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