May 14, 2020 3:56am EST/NYC Updated: Sep 9, 2021
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Kentucky, and its mass poverty, with Mitch McConnell in office since 1984. McConnell is now one of the wealthiest persons in the world, with a former Labor Secretary wife, who is now a board member of a major grocery store chain.
Featured image above: Mitch McConnell's state of Kentucky, under his leadership since 1984.
It never ceases to amaze me. Conservatives flock to BLUE STATES (for clean air, roads, infrastructure, education, jobs, & amenities), but they won't live in their own RED STATES, running rampant w/ poverty & bigotry, which IS their economy!
newsflash for #ClivenBundy: HIGHEST welfare use, govt assistance in U.S: Owsley County, Kentucky, 99% WHITE, 95% @GOP w/wealthy McConnell
— Censored Tamra Cronin (@tamranyc) April 24, 2014
How Sam Brownback destroyed Kansas financially:
Editorial: How much did Sam Brownback's policies cost Kansas?
Kansas will spend years paying for Gov. Sam Brownback's policies | The Kansas City Star
I'm surrounded by 3 literal white nationalists, including a Jewish white nationalist. They despise liberals, think liberals are a drain on society. One even traveled to a liberal state to attempt double murder against liberals. But they won't move to Red States, which are despised by white nationalists, who look down upon poor whites as "failures," while ironically calling themselves "superior." Instead, white nationalists want to set up white nationalist enclaves in BLUE STATES, then complain about pushback from liberals, or living in a liberal state. 🙄
Blue-led states are dream states for conservatives. New York State has had GOP Governors, but wisely educated GOP Governors, in the tradition of William Seward, the progressive founder of GOP, who is rolling in his grave now at the Dixiecrat infestation of his party: David Duke, Brian Kemp, Rick Scott, #impeachedtrump, etc.
Liberalism — clean air, running water, power grids, roads that you can drive on and that connect to services, coveted educational institutions (Harvard in same home of Charles Sumner and 54th Massachusetts Regiment's Massachusetts, or Stanford in California), commerce, parks, and recreation, with tolerance of others — is called "diseased" by conservatives. But they sure are enjoying all of the "diseased" perks of liberalism, including at liberal arts schools. Hey, Michelle Malkin, with your liberal-arts Oberlin degree. Why didn't you attend Liberty University or similar instead???
And Ron & Rand Paul are living examples that you can obtain an education, but never be wise nor intelligent.
Again, look at KY (pic above), MS, AL, TN, SC, IN (home of first kkk chapter), and every other RED STATE: broke, crumbling, but proud of their hatriot heritage.
For conservatives, who stand with Jim Crow Benefactors, who deny/denied education, jobs and housing to non-whites and Jews, but flock to blue states and institutions for education, a college degree is just a class label for Jim Crow Benefactors. The degree makes them feel superior above their own, but there's never equality even among their own. Same degree and higher intellect, with even more experience from a black person, means nothing to #badgradestrump, maga, and Rand Paul's of world. Blacks with degrees should be like Ben Carson: one sammich short of realizing he's a prop.
Look at how intelligent President Obama was treated by the bad grades guy (who litigates to hide his grades), and all of the Jim Crow Benefactor-Strom Thurmond-GOP:
— called an idiot and unqualified (because he's black) by bad grades, inferior intellect, #impeachedtrump;
— questioned by Mitch McConnell, who should have had his head in his high welfare-use GOP state, ran to ground by him; and
— denounced as unintelligent by persons who either didn't finish high school, barely finished high school, and learned just enough hate to blend in and get by.
One of the first things learned just enough of to blend in: how to yell and scream "socialism" or "liberalism is a disease," as if they've made some brilliant statement, especially, while living in a liberal state.
GOP may yell about "socialism," but socialism IS their baby! The loudest conservative rises through politics, because they are insane enough to carry the low-life confederates or kkk's torch, on OUR LANDS, while their own waits generations for their cut of the "trickle down" dream constantly being sold to their voter base: you get me in and I will work for you, give you superiority over all, let you make the laws and decisions, so that you can control the persons that you do not like. How did that work out during WWII, Jim Crow, slavery, India (which has its own military now)?
Meanwhile, our nation is still sitting on 1970s infrastructure, while other countries did not put all their "hopes, dreams and innovation" into a hatriot basket. Other countries not involved in war after war after war or internal civil conflicts caused by exploitation, greed and apathy, have universal and better healthcare, choice, including whom to marry, better living wages, better roads, clean air and waters, education for all, very little poverty, infrastructure that withstands flooding or does not suck the life out of reservoirs or the planet, and lots of empathy as a nation. And, these non-conflict, high-functioning countries are also doing all of this, without forcing religious ideology upon all. Strangely, these are the countries that GOP also loves to visit, AND brag about visiting, if not owning properties in the areas as well. See what we did there?
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