More of the targeted harassment interior intellect, that Jack wanted to give a voice to. Notice the consistent "obey-nigger-obey" tone, their version of online lynching, put the nigger in her place tone. The standard MO versus ANYTHING educational, even when given the opportunity to educate me, is riddled with DIRECT @replies INSULTS as their word-of-god. Now imagine if I roamed twitter calling persons STUPID, DUMB, ETC. and demanding obedience to their ignorance, while not even seeing my own correction of the same false tweet they're attacking me over. I didn't/don't even do that, YET my account was suspended, while not even tweeting, and labeled as a hate account by the SAME PERSONS THIS PERSON ROAMS WITH. Reason for the labeling: refusing to hate liberals, LGBTG, poor, Muslims -- and while calling themselves christians. Oh well, I'll never know, because as a black woman, of a vulnerable community, not protected by Mercy Corps, I don't have that option. My only option, screen capture it and make it part of evidence of repeated targeted harassment, creation of a hostile environment, and more.