Jun 27, 2022 5:34pm EST/NYC Updated: Oct 4, 2022
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G7 countries need to ban US GOP Governors, and their extremist anti-abortion legislators and lobbyists, from travel to the countries where abortion is provided as healthcare.
A brief history of once progressive, forward-thinking, AND sane GOP: Mr. William Seward, an abolitionist, founded GOP, authored the Emancipation Proclamation, and gave abolitionist and freedom fighter Ms. Harriet Tubman her own home, including at a time when it was unlawful to sell or give property to African-Americans. The Emancipation Proclamation would lead to Mr. Seward's assassination attempt, on the same night that President Lincoln was assassinated.
Other forward thinking GOP include Mr. Charles Pinckney Sumner, Mr. Frederick Douglass, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Dr. Mary E. Walker, Mr. Hiram Johnson, Mr. Gifford Pinchot, Ms. Ida Tarbell, Mr. Hiram Revels, Mr. (Joseph) Lincoln Steffens, Mr. Robert La Follette (a GOP Senator with a feminist wife), Mr. James Mitchell Ashley (pro-13th Amendment legislator), and Thaddeus Stevens, who was 100 percent behind the plan to give black people the right to vote nationally, all while fighting racism in life and death by refusing burial in a segregated cemetery.
Now, skip ahead to Civil and Voting Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965, respectively. Sons of confederate Vet Strom Thurmond detested equal rights for non-whites, whom pro-rapist Thurmond viewed as non-human, not equal on any level to him.
Strom Thurmond also raped his 15-year-old black maid, and forced her to have his child, Essie Mae Washington-Williams, while publicly denying the existence of the rape-conceived black child until his death. A white son of Strom Thurmond, Paul Thurmond, praises his father as the greatest thing since "white sheets," but does not acknowledge his black sister, until forced to admit her existence. United Daughters of the Confederacy, which supports pro-life and anti-women's rights legislation, does not acknowledge Strom Thurmond's black child via rape, as a human, and subsequently denied Strom's rape-conceived daughter, her legacy-based entrance into their organization. Got pro-life, GOP? Apparently, not today. Pro-life is a facade for white supremacy legislation and payback to white liberal women, who advance progress and equality, while criminalizing non-white women.
To show the world how much he hated non-whites, Thurmond and staunch white supremacist Carl Vinson, whom the US Navy proudly has a ship named after, 😳😲 co-authored the Southern Manifesto, a literal outline for hatriotism in America and abroad. Only three Congressional members - Estes Kefauver, President Lyndon B. Johnson (a US Senator then, and whose family fought against ku klux klan, all in lowercase intentionally), and Al Gore Sr. (yup, the father of Al Gore Jr.), refused to sign Strom and Carl's white supremacist Southern Manifesto, resulting in the three members' lifelong vilification by confederates/dixiecrats, and Jim Crow benefactors.
Jim Crow benefactors are European whites, who arrived to our nation during Jim Crow/whites only, with belief that whites only/whites first (a/k/a "America First") would remain the law of the land for their exclusive benefit, including with rights denied to women, non-whites and Jewish Americans. Jim Crow benefactors' arrival to our nation, through Ellis Island, was funded by non-white taxpayers' dollars, sweat, and tears. America was considered the Jim Crow benefactors "land of opportunity," while ignoring daily civil and voting rights denials of non-white and women. Even low-life nazis defected to US from nazi-Germany, and settled comfortably in confederate states. Louis Gohmert's family is one of those pro-nazi defectors escaping prosecution or death. Jim Crow benefactors claim to not only own our nation, but require non-whites to seek their permission prior to entrance into US, which is news to Native Americans. Jim Crow benefactors, Trump family included, claim to have built our country exclusively, 🤨 while deputizing themselves to commit various 13th, 14th, and 6th Amendment violations (judge, juror, executioner) .
😐 We have to wonder what our nation would be like had President Lincoln successfully outlawed confederates from our nation, while granting full civil and voting rights to non-whites, scheduled to happen the day after his assassination. There would have been no rise of Nathan Bedford Forrest's ku klux klan to terrorize free blacks and non-racists for over a hundred years. Nathan Bedford Forrest and his domestic terrorist confederates would have been tracked and removed from our nation, with over 650,000 Civil War dead confirming why.
Or what would our nation be like today, if SCOTUS had not overturned 2000's Presidential election results, given climate change and white supremacy are now our biggest threats? Take a look at who was a Supreme Court Justice in 2000: Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, and internalized racist, misogynist Clarence Thomas, who voted to protect insurrectionist bad-grades-Trump from documents disclosure to House of Representatives' select committee investigating January 6, 2021's insurrection incited by bad-grades-Trump.
Strom Thurmond was so outraged at the passage of both Civil and Voting Rights Acts, that he left his beloved party of Confederates and Dixiecrats, taking all kkk members with him to GOP, except Robert Byrd. Byrd quit kkk and denounced the domestic terrorist group, while today's GOP has fully embraced kkk, white supremacists, neo-nazis and Jim Crow benefactors.
Fake apology from neo-confederate-creep Cindy Hyde-Smith. The only thing 'twisted' is her confederate legacy, which should have been banned from our nation!
Anti-slavery Harriet Tubman is now vilified by today's Sons of Confederate Vets-Strom Thurmond-GOP, such that her image on our $20-bill was refused by bad-grades-Trump, an insurrectionist, who attempted to overthrow our government and US Constitution on January 6, 2021. Trump admires pro-slavery, white supremacist Andrew Jackson.
Now view any GOP ABORTION BAN to see similarities, including to enslaved women, forced to carry their rapist's baby to term, for profit. Persons are now exploiting women to adopt their forced-bred baby.
Clearly, the 13th Amendment contradicts today's Strom Thurmond-GOP, which is now fully the party of confederates, Dixiecrats, neo-nazis, white supremacists, and Jim Crow benefactors.
Anti-choice (anti-abortion), pro-confederacy, Strom Thurmond-GOP legislators and lobbyists, including NRLC (Carol Tobias) and white supremacist Thomas E. Dobbs III, worked to overturn Roe V. Wade. All are involved in outlawing travel to other US states for an abortion, while they, themselves, can travel anywhere without bans, including to pro-abortion, pro-women's rights US states and countries.
Israel offers abortion on demand and without apology. GOP anti-abortion, anti-freedom, anti-equality extremists fund Israel annually. Therefore, the hypocrisy against US women is astonishing.
GOP anti-abortion extremists will proudly post a photograph of themselves in front of a healthcare facility in European countries or Israel. Anti-abortion extremists will never protest in front of the non-US pro-choice facility, and will mind their own business while traveling abroad. Anti-abortion extremists also do not care about genocide, including Darfur, Tigray, and other areas, where pregnant women are slaughtered. They're for the genocide, especially Judy Parran, because it means less non-whites and/or poor.
Judy Parran also lives in the home of first official kkk chapter, Indiana. She's 100% for white supremacy, and will never denounce any white supremacist, including on behalf of women and girls in harm's way.
They should not be allowed to travel abroad, where women are free. They should be relegated to travel to communist or Taliban regimes, where their laws are mirrored.
GOP abortion bans are not about protecting life, but is a litmus test against undoing all Constitutional rights added after creation of their man-made US Constitution, written by several slave owners/rapists. Women were property, treated as at-will-rape property at the time the US Constitution was drafted and signed.
These same anti-abortion extremists are anti-climate change, anti-clean air and water, anti-education, anti-jobs (#TaxCutsAndJobsAct with outsourcing), anti-equal pay, and anti-equality. They are American Taliban, literally. They should be treated as hostile foreign entities. Travel to other countries, which are progressive, is the equivalent of allowing Hitler to vacation next door or inside of a synagogue during Holocaust.
GOP anti-abortion extremists are pro-gun, pro-mass shootings, and put guns over American safety, including in a place of worship or classroom. GOP promotes guns after each and every mass shooting, and applaud violent extremists such as Kyle Rittenhouse, George Zimmerman, Derek Chauvin, and anyone who publicly kill liberals and non-whites, confirming that they are not pro-life, but pro-white supremacy.
We figured out when the MAGA crowd thought America was great.
"Extremely dangerous path": Supreme Court decision on EPA is a step backward in fighting climate change, experts warn.
US Constitution
The Remarkable Thaddeus Stevens
Fugitive Slave Acts, which are now equal to abortion travel bans:
Illustrated List of Abolitionists
Viewing: G7, America is in danger gurl!