

We have seen their positive results. Support and fund the solution, to see the change you want to see. "The Problem" will never hear you, nor allow change, as long as you keep funding it. See any Jim Crow-era boycott, to see how powerful your dollar is.

To add an amazing person, business or organization to our list, please contact us, and tell us why. Thanks.

Working For Us, Not Against Us!

Justice Links

To quote the late great, Richard Pryor, "justice or 'just us'"? These individuals and organizations are making sure it is NOT just us!! An injustice against one of us is an injustice against all! And we do NOT mean the bad grades guy committing crime after crime, FOR DECADES, then complaining, "not fair" or "witchhunt."

Colin Kaepernick Foundation

Mission: to fight oppression of all kinds globally, through education and social activism.

Know Your Rights Camp

A free campaign for youth fully funded by Colin Kaepernick to raise awareness on higher education, self empowerment, and instruction to properly interact with law enforcement in various scenarios.

National Organization for Women (NOW)

National Organization for Women (NOW)

Dedicated to its multi-issue and multi-strategy approach to women's rights, and is the largest organization of feminist grassroots activists in the United States.

Southern Poverty Law Center

Southern Poverty Law Center

Founded by Morris Dees, to combat hate, intolerance, injustices, and discrimination through education and litigation. Founded in 1971.

Joy-Ann Reid

"Ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have." - James Baldwin #AMJoy #reiders


We design campaigns powerful enough to end practices that unfairly hold Black people back, and champion solutions that move us all forward. Until justice is real.

National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC)

National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC)

Since 2011, Republicans gerrymandering, more aggressively than at any other time in our history. The result? Your vote might not count the way you think it does. The system is rigged. The fight to fix it is now.

NJ Reentry Corporation

A non-profit agency with a social mission to remove all barriers to employment for citizens returning from incarceration.

Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives (FDFI)

An abolitionist and anti-human trafficking organization that combines lessons from the legacies of Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington: Abolition Through Education.

Ava DuVernay

Civic leader, activist, writer, producer, director and distributor of independent film.

John Legend

Artist, activist, educator and a positive work in progress.

U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen

Committed to fighting every day to ensure that his state and our country lives up to their full promise of equal rights, equal justice, and equal opportunity.

U.S. Representative Keith Ellison

Strong legislative advocate for pro-choice, equality, protecting the right to vote, clean air and water, LGBTQ, equal education and justice.

U.S. Representative Ro Khanna

Appointed by President Barack Obama, Rep. Khanna is a strong advocate for justice, diversity, technology, training for US workers, hiring and training veterans, as well as all-inclusive initiatives.

U.S. Senator Doug Jones

Prosecutor, civil rights advocate who answered the call to fight on the right side of history, and against hate and inequality.

U.S. Representative Raul Grijalva

Advocate for civil rights, equality, women's rights/right to choose, LGBTQ rights, working families, while progressively legislating for all-inclusive technology, innovation, education and more.

National Organization For Women - NYC Chapter

National Organization For Women - NYC Chapter

NOW-NYC advocates for the women and girls of New York. We aim to defend reproductive rights, create economic equality, promote women's political representation, and end discrimination and violence against women.

Center for Constitutional Rights

Advancing and protecting the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Revolution Club

Building a movement for revolution! If you're silent about fascism, later it will be too late to speak out! Find a chapter or book store near you.

CREDO Action

CREDO Action

CREDO Action is the advocacy arm of CREDO, a social change organization that offers products – like CREDO Mobile – in order to fund grassroots activism and progressive nonprofit organizations.

46th Vice President Kamala Harris

46th Vice President Kamala Harris

Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority member, US Senator for California, former California AG, 2020 POTUS candidate, and one of 2 persons who consistently voted against #ImpeachedTrump's nominees.

U.S. Representative Lucy McBath

U.S. Representative Lucy McBath

A mother on a mission making change here in Congress, leading the fight for universal background checks and other commonsense gun violence reforms, along with affordable healthcare, equal pay, and women's choice.

National Institute for Reproductive Health Action Fund

National Institute for Reproductive Health Action Fund

A 501(c)4 that does non-partisan issue advocacy and electoral engagement to advance reproductive health, rights, and justice in states and cities across the country.

Kathleen Jennings

Delaware Attorney General and a must follow. Read more about her at https://attorneygeneral.delaware.gov/executive/biography or https://ourwhirl.com/delaware-ag-kathleen-jennings/.

Action Together New Jersey

Action Together New Jersey

#JusticeInJersey. Growing grassroots group from all over the Garden State which shares a passion for equal rights, for progressive ideals, and for building a brighter future for all Americans.

The Center for Popular Democracy

The Center for Popular Democracy

Building power of communities to embody our vision of an inclusive, equitable society, where people of color, immigrants, working families, women, & LGBTQ communities thrive together, with a resilient economy and politics that reflect our priorities.

Sisters of the Movement

Our mission is to work in unity, demanding the implementation of POLICIES and LAWS that are fair and just for PEOPLE OF COLOR.

More Than A Vote

More Than A Vote

Change isn't made by watching from the sidelines. Black athletes and artists working together to combat systemic, racist voter suppression.

U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal

U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal

Congressmember, WA-07. Bold, Progressive & Unafraid. Lifelong organizer for immigrant, civil & human rights. Natl Health Policy Chair for Bernie2020. She/her.

Jay Jones

Jay Jones

Democratic candidate for Attorney General of VA. Delegate for VA-89. @williamandmary & @UVALaw. Attorney. 757/@NorfolkVA native.

Ben Crump

Ben Crump

Trial lawyer for justice. Crump believes in justice for all, and especially for those without a voice who need our help most of all.

The Root

The Root

Co-founded by respected historian Henry Louis Gates Jr. An online magazine with great, knowledgeable, straight to the point and humorous articles, always intended to move the ball forward and over the goal line.

New York Attorney General Tish James

New York Attorney General Tish James

She did that! She took on the NRA, and is finally taking on the corrupt #badgradestrump crime regime!

Lee Merritt, Esq.

Lee Merritt, Esq.

Civic leader, civil rights attorney, Texas Attorney General Candidate.

Mr. Nick Estes

Mr. Nick Estes

Oceti Sakowin. Kul Wicasa. Lakol Wicoun. The original Red Scare. @The_Red_Nation Podcast. Lead Editor @redmediapr. Book: Our History is the Future.

Dan Goldman

Dan Goldman

US Congressional candidate, progressive, former prosecutor, and civic leader who understands and knows how to fight the greatest threats to our nation.

Innocence Project

Dear inferior intellect-Ted Cruz, Innocence Project frees persons INNOCENT of crimes, falsely accused of crimes, and wrongfully convicted of crimes, NEVER committed.

Neal Katyal

An actual lawyer who defines lawyering, and who makes our nation proud. One of the great lawyers of our time, whose words inspire many. Constitutional lawyer, former acting Solicitor General, civil rights advocate, author, and an all-around great person, who should be one of our next SCOTUS Justices.


Independent, nonprofit newsroom to expose abuses of power & betrayals of the public trust by government, business, & other institutions, using the moral force of investigative journalism to spur reform through sustained spotlighting of wrongdoing.



Created by Chris Bouzy, who's on the right side of history: equality, kindness, factual information, positivity. Spoutible is a 100% better social media alternative to Twitter/X and Blue Sky.

SCOTUS Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson

SCOTUS Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson

Excellence and community created the path for the first black woman SCOTUS Justice. We must never forget the importance of education, community, civil and equal rights, so that all with ethics, intelligence, decency, and honesty have same opportunities.

Democracy Docket

Democracy Docket

Democracy Docket is the leading progressive source for information, analysis and opinion about voting rights, elections and democracy.

Center for Countering Digital Hate

Center for Countering Digital Hate

Elon Musk's case against Counter Hate was tossed out, as Musk tried to silence their organization. Social media companies erode basic human rights and civil liberties by enabling the spread of hate/supremacy, disinformation, and human trafficking.

bradyunited.org Against Gun Violence

bradyunited.org Against Gun Violence

Freeing America from gun violence. At Brady, gun violence is personal. From their founder, to their namesakes, to today, they are survivor-led — it's their legacy, lineage, and our present.

Clooney Foundation For Justice

Clooney Foundation For Justice

Clooney Foundation for Justice believes in a world where human rights are protected and no one is above the law.

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