
ourwhirl.com® Site Privacy and Information

Dec 14, 2018 9:50pm EST/NYC  Updated: Dec 6, 2022
Our WHIRL Blog

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This site does not collect, sell, analyze, nor share ANY of your information. What you choose to share is only seen by those who choose to view your publicly shared content on your personal stream and public interaction. This site is not about, nor for, tracking you, nor collecting data about you for marketing purposes or any reason whatsoever, but was solely created to help you obtain the information you need, as well as share the information you want to share with others.

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Visitor comments for Our WHIRL Blog Posts may be checked through an automated spam detection service, which does not store your data, but simply checks content for unwanted data. We really detest spam. We do not email you unwanted solicitations, therefore, we do not tolerate unwanted solicitations via visitor comments, community posts, or our contact form. Extreme spam comments will also be reported to appropriate agencies.


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Use Of This Site

The use of this website is subject to the following terms of use:

This site is NOT for white nationalists, confederates/neo-confederates/kkk, treasonists, seditionists, and the like. Nor is this site for their placating internalized racists. The purpose of this site is to communicate with members without obstruction, and to communicate and network with those who have NOT fought against our nation and its citizens to restrict civil, equal and voting rights.

Harassment, menacing and terroristic threats will not be tolerated. Any such activity will be directly reported to appropriate agencies immediately.

This site is also not about promoting time-wasting nonsense from hatriots (fake patriots who call themselves "constitutionalists" and/or "christians", but hate and attack all who are different from them - non-whites, women, LGBTQ+, Democrats, liberals, immigrants, poor, etc.). We do not care what hatriots say or do, however, we will not be silent about their physical and restrictive anti-Constitutional civil and voting rights actions.

Our goal: focus on the beauty of our diverse community, civic leaders, and resources, while moving forward around hatriots and their country-stalling, legislative acts. We will focus on policies and services that are all-inclusive and FOR BETTERING OUR NATION.

It is a waste of time to sit on social media services and react to posts of white nationalists, neo-confederates/kkk, and those who support them. Nothing gets accomplished, while focus is taken away from those working FOR our nation, on behalf of the inalienable rights of the BORN repeatedly under attack by today's regressive, Sons of Confederate Vets-Strom Thurmond-GOP. Therefore, we reserve the right to remove white supremacy content, which is misguided, nonfactual and willfully ignorant with intent to incite, as white nationalists/klan can and will only be white nationalists/klan.

Neither white nationalists, neo-confederates, klan or neo-nazis, nor persons and organizations which placate either, serve any purpose for a functioning community nor society.

Did you know... confederates were to be banned from our nation after the end of the Civil War to end slavery? Confederates were to be outlawed the same way nazis are in Germany. Imagine our nation today if impeached Andrew Johnson had not sympathized with outlaw confederates, which gave rise to Nathan Bedford Forrest (kkk) and their Jim Crow benefactor-whites only counterparts? The hate from confederates was/is so strong, that nazis defected from Germany and settled comfortably in US, especially in Long Island, NY and Texas). We said what we said, with countless neo-nazis, neo-confederates, white supremacists and Jim Crow benefactor legislative bills, actions, words, and an entire insurrection, led by a pro-nazi, son of a klansman, to back up what we said.

Adult/pornographic content is not allowed on this community. All such content will be reported to appropriate agencies for human trafficking and/or exploitation. Our founder advocated for .xxx domains, to allow adult/graphic content promoters to have their own "corner", literally. Soliciting sexually exploitative content on a public community, is the equivalent of knocking on a random stranger's door and soliciting the same.

The content on this website is for your general information and use only.

You acknowledge that third-party information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. It shall be your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website meet your specific requirements. However, it is also our responsibility to list progressive organizations, civic leaders, policies, legislators, events and more.

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Unauthorized use of this website may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offense.

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Your use of this website and any dispute arising out of such use of the website is subject to the laws of New York State and United States.

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