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Oct 22, 2024 2:50pm EST/NYC
Our WHIRL Blog®

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White supremacist Andrew Jackson and Bad Grades Trump
To Candace Owens, To Her and For Her Beloved, Donald Trump
Sep 21, 2019
As a BLACK WOMAN voter, including MIDTERMS, let's have an honest conversation about Candace Owens. First, "the blacks" have never been part of your conversation, but simply part of your Jim Crow Benefactor audacity, rhetoric and bias.

white supremacist Tony Perkins, a bad grades trump cabinet appointee
Meet the superiors for Candace Owens, #blexit, #walkaway, #blacksfortrump, #blackvoicesfortrump
Feb 11, 2020
#blexit #walkaway #blackvoicesfortrump #blacksfortrump members are simply props for white supremacist voices. Some may temporarily earn money for propaganda, but they are replaceable immediately upon discovering they are just pawns for inferior intellect, misinformation.

Did Hip Hop/Rap Artists Fail Us?
Mar 19, 2022
Hip hop and rap artists have become some of the wealthiest moguls on earth. But why are their "come up" communities being left behind? Think about this, the next time you see a rapper's crib(s), whip(s), fresh, costly and unnecessary kicks, and what "tags" they're poppin' (clothes). They got theirs, but what happened to their come up neighborhoods, or their buying sense?

Unsafe and unethical Elon Musk's Teslas
Buy Jeep, BMW, Subaru, Kia, ANYTHING But Tesla! AVOID All Things Elon Musk!
Apr 11, 2023
AVOID Tesla! Your car will be part of apartheid and fascism history. Tesla's history with Elon Musk is the equivalent of nazis' branded uniforms and cars.

Eddie Blum
⚠ AVOID Edward Blum, The Latest "Champion" for Jim Crow Benefactor White Supremacy
Aug 22, 2024
Edward Blum grew up crying about non-whites not doing for themselves, while ensuring none were in his hometown or neighborhood. But when non-whites do for themselves, Blum turns around and targets them, to stop helping themselves, because Blum suddenly hates DEI as sees his inferior intellect, miserable self in the mirror.

Robby Starbuck, white supremacist
⚠ AVOID Robby Starbuck, whose internal conflicts should not be a part of any sane business decision
Sep 21, 2024
Robby Blum advocates against DEI on behalf of white supremacists. Robby is an anti-capitalist fascist, who happily wants to bring back Jim Crow with "conservatives and internalized racists only" signs. Robby is also conflicted internally, and has not learned the meaning of love, while believing that he is a hero doing "god's work."

Welcome to® blog!
Oct 22, 2024
Join®. Community, chat, consumer and election information, and more, all focused on helping to move our nation forward, together.® News and Info
Nov 21, 2020
About®. Who we are, and why we created this site in 2016. Established as a memory list for our founder, who was exhausted with 24/7 coverage of a man whose first language is lying, and who birthered his way into the hearts of inferior intellects. We have too many amazing persons on our side to do better.

Welcome To Our WHIRL News and Info!
Oct 22, 2024® news and information, community, chat, civic leaders, climate change, community, consumer alerts, diversity, education, equity, healthcare, inclusion, journalism, lgbtqia, market place, public safety, voter and candidate information, and more, all focused on helping to move our nation forward.

MFOL Power Up June 24-26 and 30, 2020
Power Up With MFOL, Stacey Abrams, Patrisse Cullors, and more!
Jun 24, 2020
Join March For Our Lives at various Power Up events from June 24-26 and 30th, regarding racism, justice, voting, PRIDE 2020, and more. RSVP Required. Let your voice be heard.

PRIDE Parade NYC June 2020. Credit: TM Cronin
Jun 1, 2022
PRIDE Month Celebrations, nationally and globally

Poor People's Campaign Moral March on Washington June 2022
Poor People's Campaign Moral March on Washington, D.C.
Jun 17, 2022
The most moral people in this country are poor and low-wealth people. They endure ecological devastation, the denial of healthcare, militarism, systemic racism, poverty and they still have hope.

Anniversary of Civil Rights Act of 1964
Jul 7, 2022
Never forget. Many lives were lost and/or tortured, simply for the right to vote. Your vote is your most powerful voice, a voice that Dixiecrats and Sons of confederate Vets-Strom Thurmond-GOP would like to silence 24/7.

Women's Equality Day, August 26
Aug 26, 2022
One woman can make a difference. Thanks to the tireless work of US Representative Bella Abzuz (NY), Women's Equality Day was made official by US Congress in 1973.

Beto For Texas
Beto For Texas!
Jan 16, 2022
Volunteer and organize for Beto for Texas Governor 2022

That's all, just 15 items found.

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