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Satilla Shores, Glynn County, Georgia
An open letter to the Satilla Shores Ga. Community and the residents of Glynn County!
May 19, 2020
In a land that you expect me to respect, love and cherish, in reality, is nothing but a bunch of spineless, heartless people called YOU! You show no better, because you know no better, but you save your outrage for Kapernick, for his disrespect of a flag that represents You!

Panasonic Cordless Telephones
Robocallers and Relief With Panasonic Cordless Telephones
Jun 29, 2024
How to avoid robocalls and telemarketers at home. Let your home phone become your home phone again, instead of the property of telemarketers, who prevent you from answering your phone.

ourwhirl.com® News and Info
About ourwhirl.com®
Nov 21, 2020
About ourwhirl.com®. Who we are, and why we created this site in 2016.

ourwhirl.com® News and Info
Welcome To Our WHIRL News and Info!
Sep 21, 2024
Join ourwhirl.com®. Community, chat, community, consumer and voting information, all focused on helping to move our nation forward.

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Sep 21, 2024
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