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DoD Needs To Strip JW Milam's US Army Status On Behalf of Emmett Till

Jan 16, 2022 2:08pm EST/NYC
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Louis Till was a victim of racial injustice, same as Samuel Snow.

JW Milam's #military status needs to be stripped by the Department of Defense. Milam was an ignorant, white supremacist, and barbaric murdering savage.

Milam would have murdered black soldiers, publicly. Who knows how many black soldiers were murdered by Milam, or how many coverups of murders Milam participated in, given his hate of Black Americans.

Milam should not be buried with any #military recognition. Milam was a barbaric savage, a stain on our nation's history. Imagine, with all the bitter evil and racism in Milam's heart, the encounters that Milam had with black soldiers, including Black commissioned military officers? For all we know, Milam could have crossed paths with Louis Till, who was wrongfully sought, named, targeted, and lynched for a #crime in Italy, that he was not associated with. Louis Till's liberty was not allowed while fighting for his nation, and liberty for his son, Emmett, was not allowed while vacationing in Mississippi.

Emmett and Mamie Till, pre-Money, Mississippi
Emmett Till with his mother, Mamie Till Mobley before being tortured to death by NRA members.

Emmett and Mamie Till, after JW Milam's savage attack
Emmett Till AFTER being kidnapped and tortured by NRA members JW Milam, Leslie Milam, Roy Bryant.

Emmett Till AFTER being kidnapped and tortured by NRA members JW Milam, Leslie Milam, Roy Bryant.
Emmett was kidnapped, tortured and murdered on behalf of Carolyn Bryant and Mary Juanita Thompson Milam, who lied and celebrated crimes against Emmett.

While serving in combat in Italy, Louis Till was accused of raping an Italian woman. The woman indicated in court, during trial, that Louis Till was not her attacker, but Till was found guilty and lynched anyway. "F*ck it, he's black, he must have done something, we just don't know what (no evidence, DNA, witness, or nowhere in the crime area — the Linda Fairstein prosecutorial-standard - 43:15min video mark, where Fairstein introduces assumption as Exhibit A).

It's clear from the murder of Emmett Till, how barbaric savages such as Milam behave when persons are looking AND not looking. Black soldiers were not rapists, while soldiers like Milam simply hated anyone black! During WWII, black soldiers had to be on their best behavior at all times, more than other soldiers, because black soldiers and military officers were constantly tracked, watched and even disciplined by white soldiers, including white soldiers with lesser ranks or fresh out of boot camp.

White soldiers did not want any black soldiers serving with them, and did anything to have them removed, including by falsely accusing black soldiers of crimes never committed, or crimes they were never associated with, to start their dishonorable discharge process. Dishonorable discharges would follow black soldiers for life, leading to further discrimination and exploitation by persons such as Milam.

Rot in hell, JW Milam!

And we are so glad that Milam's memorial states that he's a crime figure, not a military hero. But it's sickening to see a grave funded by US Army, while Louis Till was stripped of his military rights, status and benefits, after being falsely accused of a crime, then lynched.

What white #WWII officers routinely did to black soldiers: falsely accuse non-white soldiers of crimes or dereliction of duty.

One gross example is that of Samuel Snow:



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