Dec 26, 2017 4:41am EST/NYC Updated: Nov 15, 2023
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GOP members consistently duck and dodge truth regarding their beloved revenue-losing #TaxCutsAndJobsAct bill.
'Memba all those debt counter clocks that the RNC created because of the "black POTUS" spending "their money"?? Notice debt is now not even GOP's concern with an irresponsible, bankruptcy king, #badgradestrump, as their leader!
GOP uses convention debt clock to play up President Obama's red ink
Federal Debt: Urgent To Unsustainable To Insane Chairman Reince Priebus said the purpose of the GOP's debt clock was to "draw your attention to the unprecedented fiscal recklessness of the Obama administration." [Translation: a black guy is spending LESS money to undo the racially-based nonsense (abortion, guns, whites only education) that we spent your tax dollars on.
Companies are still refusing to create jobs here, all to avoid paying salaries, benefits, healthcare, OSHA costs, etc. Refusal to do so, also increases their profit margin, while the homeless and jobless population increases.
2018 is an election year, and many critical seats are up for re-election. Daily and actively track lack of return of jobs from overseas since #TaxCutsAndJobsAct #TaxScamBill, especially since persons are now more richer, per #badgradestrump and Paul Ryan. And in today's Strom Thurmond-GOP's, wealth equals "trickle down". So let's see this "trickle down", which for now, is 100% a myth!
Manufacturing jobs in Ohio haven't returned since 2004, nor has GOP worked on bringing any of those jobs back, but instead gave more incentives to outsource jobs. Paul Ryan even defends outsourcing with his standard rhetoric, "U.S. taxes are too high for corporations."
Note the GOP "Obstruction Years" below, which McConnell is soooo proud of. If McConnell had spent more time focusing on wealthy tax cuts (a revenue loss), infrastructure and jobs vs. "making President Obama a one-term POTUS, imagine where our nation would be now.
Homelessness in Ohio, a new report from the Ohio Housing Finance Agency, says Ohioans experiencing homelessness grew by 30.8% between 2012 and 2018. During the same period, Ohio's population grew by only 1.3%.
The share of the homeless population in Ohio was the 34th highest rate among the 50 states, according to, which based its conclusions on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's 2019 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress.
The Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) is a HUD report to the U.S. Congress that provides nationwide estimates of homelessness, including information about the demographic characteristics of homeless persons, service use patterns, and the capacity to house homeless persons. The report is based on Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) data about persons who experience homelessness during a 12-month period, point-in-time counts of people experiencing homelessness on one day in January, and data about the inventory of shelter and housing available in a community.
MAGA, eh? Homeless population increased with GOP's 2017 Tax Cuts And Jobs Act.
Well, taxes have now been dramatically lowered for corporations, and at the expense of elderly, veterans, middle class, disabled and poor. So, um... outsourced jobs are coming back, right, Paul Ryan and other 2008 Bail Out Boys??!!
U.S. steel workers are already facing layoffs given Russian steel imports personally approved by #badgradestrump. The bad grades guy is literally altering lives of people directly while enriching himself, and after promising to "Make America Great Again," which his clueless fan base believe "hook, link and sinker".
Foreign steel makers have rushed to get their product into the United States before tariffs start. According to the American Iron and Steel Institute, which tracks shipments, steel imports were 19.4 percent higher in the first 10 months of 2017 than in the same period last year.
That surge of imports has hurt American steel makers, which were already struggling against a glut of cheap Chinese steel. When Arcelor Mittal announced the layoffs in Conshohocken, it blamed those imports, as well as low demand for steel for bridges and military equipment.
Therefore, The Democrats should use this opportunity to expose the fraud of Paul Ryan and #badgradestrump, while highlighting the devastating effects of jobs outsourcing and revenue losing tax cuts for wealthy, especially with multiple warssssss (expense), and to help elect responsible leadership!
And their responses...
Ron Johnson — Wisconsin: No concern, and therefore, no response.
Regarding Trump-Paul Ryan and GOP's Tax Cuts And Jobs Act:
Please provide answers to the following questions, the same questions asked to other GOP members, who continually dodge information GOP's exclusive 2017 legislation, Tax Cuts And Jobs Act, labeled as "tremendous."Please provide the exact number of jobs that have returned from overseas since the creation of 2017 Tax Cuts And Jobs Act? One of the biggest complaints of employers: taxes were/are too high to conduct business, including manufacturing-based businesses. Corporations are now paying little to ZERO federal taxes, revenue needed and required, per US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8.
What safety nets did Tax Cuts And Jobs Act millionaires/billionaires create for working families and employees, such that there would no need for bailouts during 2020's required COVID shut down? Tax Cuts And Jobs Act is your Grover Norquist-"trickle down".
Also, have you, Ron Johnson, toured all areas of your state? Are there still broken infrastructure, impoverished areas, which would contradict 2017's Tax Cuts And Jobs Act? Have jobs returned from overseas to Wisconsin? Why can't call centers be opened in poorest states with highest level of poverty?
If you can show me a red state that is profitable (has a surplus), and adheres 100% to US Constitution, without hindrance, racism and restrictions for anyone, has no poverty (given Tax Cuts and Jobs Act), has clean water for all, quality infrastructure (roads, bridges, technology), and innovation opportunities for all, I'll become your biggest cheerleader. Please show us the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act results, in real time, real math, real locations, versus a fantasy or anti-Democrat rhetoric, which only aides and abets inferior intellect and real suffering of others.
I also see that Wisconsin has only had white male Governors, including the notorious anti-worker's rights, anti-equal pay Scott Walker. Per white supremacists, including all within today's Sons of confederate Vets-Strom Thurmond-GOP, white males are the preferred leaders because of the assumption of “superiority” and "intelligence." How's Wisconsin economic status, with a legacy of all white male state leadership and 2017's Tax Cuts And Jobs Act, signed into law by a white supremacist with the intellect and comprehension of a 6th grader?
Meanwhile, GOP members consistently brand "Build Back Better," as a problem, while the results of #TaxCutsAndJobsAct (a revenue loss) are hidden from GOP's daily math/calculations, words and promotions. Or show us where the #TaxCutsAndJobsAct results are in Wisconsin for working families, especially in relation to gas prices? Texas white separatist John Cornyn stated in 2007 that: "Tax Increases Will Cost All Americans At Gas Pump."
Right now, and in theory with Tax Cuts And Jobs Act and GOP's adamant belief in "trickle down from the top", gasoline should be free or dirt cheap for working families with record profits from corporations, including oil companies during COVID-shutdowns. But here is John Cornyn in 2021, blaming Democrats for inflation, while never having to answer to GOP's "gonna be tremendous" 2017 Tax Cuts And Jobs Act:
Tom Cotton — Arkansas: No concern, and therefore, no response.
Tim Scott — South Carolina: No concern, stands by his Jim Crow benefactor masters, and while representing one of the poorest states.
The same questions above asked, however, with a reminder of the racism that is promoted in Scott's state (homage to John Calhoun, James Henry Hammond (pedophile/child rapist and adulterer), and Strom Thurmond (confederate, child rapist, anti-equal rights, anti-voting rights).
Roger Marshall — Kansas, home of Sam Brownback's wealthy tax cuts, which failed Kansas miserably. — Marshall has audacity to request Dr. Anthony Fauci's financial records, but not once has he concerned himself with his own party's #TaxCutsAndJobsAct, nor the financial records of #badgradestrump.
Joni Ernst — Iowa. Ernst recently held a press conference complaining about the economy. But when it comes to GOP's own Tax Cuts And Jobs Act, Ernst is deaf, mute and dumber than #badgradestrump.
Joni Ernst evaluates Biden's Failures, but cannot evaluate Tax Cuts And Jobs Act:
Marjorie Taylor Green and Jim Banks — "no comment." They are not concerned about daily revenue losses. Their only concern: bashing Democrats, to raise money from their lemmings, who think cannot count, nor see their infrastructure sinking underneath them.
Jim Crow benefactor inferior intellect and sex predator Matt Gaetz, who had audacity to question Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin regarding "Critical Race Theory":
Should we remind Barrasso about yet another bailout for businesses during COVID-19 shutdown, after 2008's bailout of epic waste and fraud? What ever happened to businesses or business plan failing, then you move on? Now it's fail, BUT with GOP's revenue-losing wealthy tax cuts, THEN get a bailout from government. This is actual socialism that GOP cries and whines about, while calling Democrats, "the problem." Grover Norquist should also be tried for treason! His tax pledge has destroyed nation, crumbled infrastructure.
Her response was sent after ignoring her constituents' request. Only after an ethics complaint was sent, did Malliotakis have the time to respond to constituents who do not fatten her pockets directly.
Federal Debt: Urgent To Unsustainable To Insane
2 Apr 20, 2019 9:06pm EST/NYC
madeinblueusa 📄 wrote:
Viewing: #TaxCutsAndJobsAct Challenge
1 Dec 26, 2017 10:31pm EST/NYC
madeinblueusa 📄 wrote:
AT&T fired its US-based DirecTV staff after engulfing DirecTV. AT&T also fired US staff for its other services. Will AT&T bring those jobs back now that Paul Ryan can stop using "taxes are too high for corporations to do business in the United States" as an excuse to justify outsourcing?
Petco has overseas call center.
Macy's has an overseas call center.
So does T-Mobile. However, while T-Mobile has locations worldwide, it's inexplainable to have non-US call centers answering calls for US customers.
The language barriers alone confirm outsourcing to another country doesn't help customer support, especially when customer support cannot understand the problem and simply reads a script.
So in January 2018, let's start the Jobs Returned Counter Clock. However, given today's Strom Thurmond-GOP is all rhetoric and hate, the #TaxCutAndJobsAct bill will be revealed as fraudulent as Pssy Grabber!!