Post by OurWHIRL Team on
Biggest #Election2022 reality that all GOP distract from: GOP's 2017 #TaxCutsAndJobsAct ARE defunding police departments across nation. US Constitution Article 1:Section 8 requires revenue for infrastructure, PUBLIC SAFETY, innovation (to combat flooding, climate change), arts, education (not just what GOP LIKES), USPS (that GOP wants to defund), & MILITARY (that GOP exploits for politics, then strips their earned benefits after serving). GOP candidates are promoting videos about #crime, while MOST ALL OF THEM, do not even live in nor frequent their own districts. They're busy living in estates abroad, busy in OTHER countries, collecting lobbyist 💰. Why this isn't an #FBI/DOJ matter, we don't know, because GOP members have totally taken up residence in other states & countries, while sleeping like babies. Then, daily, pumping out ads: "OMG LOOK AT THE CRIME THE DEMOCRATS ARE CREATING!," to get or stay elected for more money!