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We're setting up…

Dec 5, 2016 9:01pm EST/NYC  Updated: Nov 3, 2020
Our WHIRL Blog


Welcome! Still lots of work to do, on and offline!

Welcome! Still lots of work to do, on and offline!

Still setting up… official launch announcement will be sent…

Reprint from founder's tweets:

It is time. Time to stop waiting for a buffoon to say or do something buffoonish, but instead focus on 65-million voting MAJORITY, who rejected Grab 'em By The Pssy. 65-million TOGETHER equals serious STRENGTH!

Start by documenting YOUR plan, how you plan to deal with a non-popular, fascist POTUS, where and how you'll spend, which DOESN'T feed Trump and his all-hatriot team. SHARE your plan with 65-million voters AGAINST Trump, starting here.

I can assure you from my own direct experience with Venrock-Rockefellers: persons like Grab'em By The Pssy don't care if you live or DIE. They just want money and will walk over anyone for lot and lots of money. Thus, if persons such as Grab 'em By The Pssy don't care, why waste time waiting for "caring"? Let's BUILD among our 65-million voting majority THEN see who needs whom, while hatriots focus on their prized possession: hate.

Businesses & celebrities, who are on our 65-million side, what's your role? I'm not following many on social media for a reason. Are you still using CitiBank or any of the bailed out banks, or promoting or distributing NOT "Made In USA" products?

I already published part of my plan on DailyKos when 99ers were out of work long term, while celebs appeared on The Apprentice or #DWTS! Random boycotts make a simple statement, but like #OccupyWallStreet, protesting THEN turning around using CitiBank, Chase bank accounts at McDonald's on breaks defeats any goal.

Now is the time to choose a side, literally because in this case, ALL LIVES will matter and your day-to-day activities will affect other lives daily. Or in some areas, day-to-day activities can result in loss of life, as we've seen from Joe McKnight simply going about his day.


Mike Pence pledging his loyalty to white supremacist org ALEC
Mike Pence pledging his loyalty to white supremacist org ALEC, which believes it is a "cool organization." GTFOH!

Yes, he did. Pence stood with his fellow white supremacist, Steve King (Iowa) and voted to protect the actions and speech of kkk, whose first official chapter was in Indiana, same home of Judy Parran, who also stands with kkk, while calling herself "pro-life." Always remember when they show you who they are the first time!

Let's not forget that our U.S. National Guard had to escort a child, Ruby Bridges, to school because of the same segregationist hate that exists on Team Grab 'em By The Pssy. Not chemical weapons, arms or top state official, but a child had to be escorted by our military to elementary school, because of same hate standing with a man who mocks disabled, military members, veterans and their families, and brags about being able to "grab 'em by the pussy" without consent!

Knowing this, we (65-Million++ voting majority) are not each others' enemy. We can't build anything with 65-million people divided. We all rejected hate, ignorance, and science deniers. Let's move around them together! By the time hate catches on, they'll still be standing next to their "whites only" sign with their guns ready, while tumbleweed rolls in their empty area!

Too much progress has been made to move forward, and our voices will matter like never before especially with engineering, think tanks on OUR side! Plus Blue States on each side of country are connected and/or close. So that's a movement right there: commerce, technology, energy AND education!!

So are we going to take this sh*t lying down, or move forward together?



alec   civil rights   forward together   fund the solution   funding the problem   hatriots   jim crow benefactors   legislation   moving forward   racism   voter suppression   voting rights   voting majority   voting rights  

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