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Why #badgradestrump should be charged, immediately!

Sep 24, 2022 8:01pm EST/NYC  Updated: Oct 29, 2022
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How is a violent insurrectionist running our nation, versus being dragged out and charged immediately?

#badgradestrump should be charged for January 6, 2021's riot, sedition and insurrection, as well as charged for various other crimes.

🦇 💩 🤪 🍊 🤡 sanctioned the equivalent of a klan cross burning at a black family's home, because one or more of the black family voted or registered to vote, or stood up against Jim Crow-white supremacy by ignoring a whites-only sign or policy. Degenerate klan surrounded and terrorized black residents, including by burning their homes down. Escaping family members were shot, if not beaten and tortured, then shot. There was no law enforcement to protect the black residents, nor to protect white residents who helped non-whites obtain jobs, housing, education, and civil and voting rights.

Since 2008, Facebook and Twitter invited and welcomed white supremacy from Stormfront and similar sites to their platforms. Facebook and Twitter saw no wrong doing with hostile, violent posts from white supremacists for over a decade, which allowed terrorism to brew online since 2008, and while social media sites featured and promoted domestic terrorists, white nationalists, neo-nazis and neo-confederates primarily in 2016. Many white supremacist accounts became verified accounts.

In 2021, white Capitol Hill politicians and their staff actually saw the fear that non-whites had, 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, during Jim Crow (and slavery): surrounded, terrorized and no law enforcement to protect them, while military was told to stand down to further white supremacy. On January 6, 2021, politicians and their staff had to shelter in place for hours in small areas with groups of persons, within cabinets, closets, bathrooms, basements, or any hiding place available, not knowing if those hours hiding from #badgradestrump's "The Big Lie" terrorists, were their last hours alive.

This is why DOJ needs to indict #badgradestrump now, and perp-walk him for the world to see. Let his indictment reflect his terrorist voice and acts against our nation.

#badgradestrump built his domestic terrorist army online. White nationalists stormed to social media, because that is where the first black POTUS and FLOTUS were actively speaking and campaigning. White supremacists then saw their online numbers together, and delighted at the volume of ignorance as a force. Hatriots then organized groups and events, starting with the "Tea Party," to terrorize the first black POTUS, while Jim Crow benefactor politicians and military members worked within to terrorize President Obama. Jim Crow benefactors proudly showed their ignorance, which was then, and now, demanded to be the standard for America, and world.

Many hatriots heard the loud, inferior intellect birther for the first time. The birther declared himself to be smarter than CIA, FBI and DOJ, all of whom had a role in vetting the US born President of the United States, Barack Obama. Jim Crow benefactors now had a loud, visible and promoted voice, #badgradestrump, because they were angry that the "whites only" country — exploited through free or dirt cheap non-white labor, white supremacy, and theft of lands and inventions from non-whites — wouldn't remain "whites only," with "protect whites only" laws, as "law of the land."

Since slavery, non-whites continued to pay local, state and federal taxes, all while being denied a seat at the whites-only governing table, or any public table (public schools, libraries, restaurants, hospitals, government jobs, and even military). Non-whites' non-refundable tax dollars funded Ellis Island, where many Jim Crow benefactors, including mafia members, arrived through, for the "land of opportunity" for whites only. Non-whites were relegated to whatever Jim Crow benefactors decided what was best for them, including denials, lynchings, rape-at-will, torture, and destruction of their property. Justice, integrity and decency were never options made available to non-whites by Jim Crow benefactors.

The irony is Jim Crow benefactors lynched Italian-Americans, while Italian-Americans now stand with white nationalists, neo-confederates and kkk, to promote #badgradestrump AND Jim Crow benefactor policies. See any words and legislation of Doug Mastriano, or Ken Cuccinelli, who ignored all laws and history, to placate pro-confederate Bob McDonnell.

Options denied to non-whites, since the end of slavery, gave non-whites time to read the U.S. Constitution, as well as read other deeds, documents, and historic acts of their non-white ancestors in our nation. Via the Constitution is how rights have been gained for non-whites, women, LGBTQ+, and brown migrants, while white migrants are still allowed settlement into US, uncontested, including via one-way airline tickets to US.

Now, GOP's goal is to remove Constitutional rights altogether. Roe V. Wade, after stacking the Supreme Court with vile extremists (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Coney Barrett), was their litmus test.

But just one problem: GOP is outnumbered, and outnumbered by all of the non-white teams once marginalized and maligned, excluding internalized racists and non-whites passing for white. GOP is also outnumbered by all other Americans, especially civil rights advocates, who are disgusted with white supremacy and patriarchy, and who will not let their children endure one bit of the terrorism their ancestors endured at the hands of bigotry and civil rights violations.

US has fought 2+ wars over bigoted, pure evil, white supremacy: Civil War, Jim Crow, including FBI vs. kkk. Laws won each time.

Thus, why it is beyond important to arrest #badgradestrump for his insurrection, for his #RecordsAct violation, AND for his corporate fraud. All three crimes.

#badgradestrump is now the new Jefferson Davis. #badgradestrump's passed-down funds, since childhood, are also intertwined in bigotry, exploitation and domestic terrorism. A message must be sent to protect laws. Else, one can look to laws that were to protect Native Americans and their lands, to see the results from ignoring laws and rights. Native Americans are now treated as outlaws, on their own lands, marked as prisoners of war, a war they didn't even start. 😐

Ignorant, inferior intellect, pathological liar, spoiled brat and domestic terrorist #badgradestrump started a war against our nation. It's time for the DOJ to end his war and terrorism against our nation. Send him to prison, or send him packing to Russia, where his white supremacy loyalty lies, forever.

The DOJ also needs to correct this document, changed intentionally since #badgradestrump was in office: It doesn't match the history of discrimination by the #badgradestrump family, including the DOJ civil filing:

The Dept. of Justice sues Fred & Donald Trump for discrimination

The Dept. of Justice sues Fred and Donald Trump for refusing to rent apartments to black people. The case was referred to the Justice Department by the New York City Commission on Human Rights.

The Department of Justice, charging discrimination against blacks in apartment rentals, brought suit in Federal Court in Brooklyn yesterday against the Trump Management Corporation, a major owner and manager of real estate here.

The corporation, which owns and rents more than 14,000 apartments in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island, was accused of violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968 in its operation of 39 buildings. Most are in Coney Island, Brooklyn, and in Jamaica Estates and Forest Hills, Queens.

Decades-Old Housing Discrimination Case Plagues Donald Trump

During the presidential debate on Monday night, Hillary Clinton raised a 1973 federal lawsuit brought against Donald Trump and his company for alleged racial discrimination at Trump housing developments in New York.

The Justice Department sued Donald Trump, his father, Fred, and Trump Management in order to obtain a settlement in which Trump and his father would promise not to discriminate. The case eventually was settled two years later after Trump tried to countersue the Justice Department for $100 million for making false statements. Those allegations were dismissed by the court.

Federal Document Proves Donald Trump Practiced Housing Discrimination in New York City

This first time that tangible proof of Donald Trump's history of racial discrimination practices has been quantified, firmly, in an official record.

This is undeniable.

The Democratic Coalition Against Trump found this key, first #TrumpLeaks document from the archives of University of Michigan's Law School, and it is the very first time that the complete list of Trump's covered properties has been discovered.

How, oh how, did this savage unethical, white supremacist, inferior intellect fool so many into believing that he is an honest and/or trustworthy person?

White supremacists Andrew Jackson and bad grades trump
White supremacists adore and only support other white supremacists. David Duke rallied for #badgradestrump as "the real deal."

bad grades trump's January 6, 2021 Capitol Hill insurrection
Capitol Hill insurrectionists / domestic terrorists, ironically climbing a wall, while standing with and for a party, GOP, that fought repeatedly to eliminate their healthcare. Fall awayyyy... jackasses...


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