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We've never seen Harriet Tubman's vagina nor Frederick Douglass' penis in a banned history book!

Apr 7, 2023 6:52pm EST/NYC
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If only the "family values" hypocrisy of GOP turned a profit.

Post (below) and letter regarding PUBLIC PORNOGRAPHY on Twitter to racist Bridget Ziegler/Moms for Liberty coming soon...

Porns flows freely IN FLORIDA on Twitter's public platform, but somehow drag queens, Drag Queen Story Hour and black history are the problem in Con DeSantis, Bridget Ziegler and all of GOP's eyes. WTF?!

In the meantime, we have seen First Strumpet MeLayinYa's pus just about everywhere, including as GOP targets the statue of David!

Because of GOP's hypocrisy, pornography flows FREELY on a public and popular website, including where GOP and children live: TWITTER!

Screen shots, silence from Bridget Ziegler, Con and Casey DeSantis and all of GOP!

For now, will leave you with this, while we prepare a placeholder to capture the hypocrisy of GOP and "protecting children." ANY child can create a Twitter/Xxx account, especially teens, AND their age is UNCHECKED. Once logged in, porn flows freely on Twitter in trending topics, LITERALLY THROWN IN FACES in trending topics.

Twitter has an option to not show sensitive media. But guess what IS considered sensitive: BLACK HISTORY.

Congressional Fugitive Slave Laws
Two Congressional Fugitive Slave Laws, which forced free blacks into slavery.

Jim Crow whites-only sign
Jim Crow era whites only sign

Whites lynching black males
Christian Conservative family values: gathering around to lynch a black male, based upon hearsay and racism.

Emmett and Mamie Till
Mamie Till and her son, Emmett Till, who was lynched in Mississippi, while his father was lynched while serving in WWII - both lynched over race-based lies upheld by white supremacy.

Emmett Louis Till funeral
Mamie Till made the brave decision to show the world what white supremacist savages had done to her son.

Emmett Louis Till funeral
Emmett Louis Till funeral

Andrew Goodman, James Chaney and Michael Schwerner
Slain Civil Rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney and Michael Schwerner

4 Little Girls, Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing
Denise McNair, 11; Carole Robertson, 14; Addie Mae Collins, 14; and Cynthia Wesley, 14; from left, are shown in these 1963 photos. A former Ku Klux Klansman, Thomas Blanton Jr., 62, was convicted of murder Tuesday, May 1, 2001, for the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing that killed the four girls on Sept. 15, 1963. (AP Photo)

Birmingham bombing
ADVANCE FOR USE SUNDAY, AUG. 25, 2013 AND THEREAFTER - FILE - In this Sept. 15, 1963 file photo, emergency workers and others stand around a large crater from a bomb which killed four black girls in the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala. The windows of the building across the street in the background were also blown out. (AP Photo)

Parody! However, same sentiment, different era.

Duluth Lynching
Anti-abortion, self-proclaimed christians demonstrating their values

Anti-abortion, self-proclaimed christians in Alabama, demonstrating their hate for others.

Mississippi state police officers protesting integration
Mississippi state police officers protesting integration

Lynching of Lige Daniels
Lynching of Lige Daniels in Texas

More info:

Anti-abortion, white christians
Anti-abortion, white christians

Arrest of Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks arrested for sitting in a taxpayer-funded bus seat intended for whites only

Topics regarding slavery, non-whites are told "it's in the past, get over it" while confederate flags and monuments are forced upon taxpayers.

slave ship Brookes
History of slavery denied and/or censored

Sons of confederate Vets kkk
Sons of confederate Vets' kkk lynching

Florida lynching
Con DeSantis' Florida lynching history

Georgia lynching
Brian Kemp's Georgia, and his confederate history - account suspended for reporting child sex and human trafficking. Yes, we kid you not. Account deemed "hate account" for not loving nor appreciating child sex trafficking, Ponzi schemers, organized criminals, and Elon Musk's preferred white supremacists and their non-factual information. More info at:, a post created in 2023, but not officially published until April 2024, until it was clear that Elon Musk is part of the problem, not the solution. Bridget Ziegler, the pretend fake champion for kids - and account @tamranyc was suspended April 2024... wait for it, as a hate account for reporting graphic pornography. But only good part, @tamranyc is no longer associated with graphic porn, while fools sit all around it, complaining about GOP hypocrisy, right in their faces.

Ron DeSantis pornography on Twitter
DeSantis' pornography on Twitter — yeah, we're labeling it "DeSantis Porn," because neither DeSantis, Casey or Con-Ron, has a problem with nudity in trending topics!

To be continued with receipts soon... not all of us live online, life takes priority, but dayumed if we'll be silent, as actual human exploitation and sex trafficking is "shoved down our throats," pun intended!

Mickey Mouse: don't f with my money.
DeSantis vs. Disney/Mickey Mouse

Statue of David and First Strumpet MeLayinya
First Strumpet MeLayinya and statue of David


#notadragqueen   #floridaman   casey desantis   bridget ziegler   child exploitation   child safety   csam   crime   desantis porn   drag queen story hour   drag queens   florida   GOP hypocrisy   human trafficking   jessica verrilli   katie britt   moms 4 liberty   pornography on twitter   public platform   public safety   sexual exploitation   social media   stay woke   technology   vijaya gadde  

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