Same Trick, New Election: kkk/white supremacists pretending to like “the blacks”

‘Member when David Duke ran for office in Louisiana several times in the late 1980s and early 1990s? Duke pretended he was a “changed” man, and for all people. Duke even had black people stupid enough to back him and campaign-stomp for him in Louisiana. Hmmm… where are those black people now??? Anywhooo…. meanwhile, Duke, then and NOW, is still pals with Don Black, Ron Paul and his other fellow klansmen.

Well, meet Montana’s John Abarr, a klansman, running for office on Democratic ticket, pulling out the same old game plan as kook-Duke.

A man known for trying to recruit LGBT and black people to the Ku Klux Klan to create a more “inclusive” hate group is running for Montana’s House of Representatives — as a Democrat.

But Abarr is another reminder to check out each political candidate thoroughly, especially if the candidate just pops up into a party for which he/she has zero affiliation with the members of the party.

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